...transactionLike: (TransactionLike | TransactionLike[])[]Record known transactions.
...transactions: (TransactionLike | TransactionLike[])[]Get a known transaction by hash
...outPointLikes: (OutPointLike | OutPointLike[])[]Get a known cell by out point Implement this method to enable cells query caching
Record known transaction responses. Implement this method to enable transactions query caching
...transactions: (ClientTransactionResponseLike | ClientTransactionResponseLike[])[]Get a known transaction response by hash Implement this method to enable transactions query caching
Record known block headers. Implement this method to enable block headers query caching
...headers: (ClientBlockHeaderLike | ClientBlockHeaderLike[])[]Get a known block header by hash Implement this method to enable block headers query caching
Get a known block header by number Implement this method to enable block headers query caching
Record known blocks. Implement this method to enable blocks query caching
...blocks: (ClientBlockLike | ClientBlockLike[])[]Get a known block header by hash Implement this method to enable block headers query caching
Get a known block header by number Implement this method to enable block headers query caching
The ClientCache class is mainly designed for chained transactions. Consumed & Created cells are "marked" so they can be correctly handled when composing transactions. It also act as cache for rpc requests to reduce cost, but this is optional.