

  • Creates an instance of WitnessArgs.


    • Optionallock: `0x${string}`

      The optional lock field of the witness.

    • OptionalinputType: `0x${string}`

      The optional input type field of the witness.

    • OptionaloutputType: `0x${string}`

      The optional output type field of the witness.

    Returns WitnessArgs


lock?: `0x${string}`

The optional lock field of the witness.

inputType?: `0x${string}`

The optional input type field of the witness.

outputType?: `0x${string}`

The optional output type field of the witness.

byteLength?: number

The bytes length of the entity, if it is fixed, otherwise undefined


  • Creates a WitnessArgs instance from a WitnessArgsLike object.


    • witnessArgs: WitnessArgsLike

      A WitnessArgsLike object or an instance of WitnessArgs.

    Returns WitnessArgs

    A WitnessArgs instance.

    const witnessArgs = WitnessArgs.from({
    lock: "0x...",
    inputType: "0x...",
    outputType: "0x..."
  • Encode the entity into bytes


    Returns ccc.Bytes

    The encoded bytes

    Will throw an error if the entity is not serializable

  • Decode the entity from bytes


    Returns WitnessArgs

    The decoded entity

    Will throw an error if the entity is not serializable

  • Create an entity from bytes


    Returns WitnessArgs

    The created entity

    Will throw an error if the entity is not serializable

  • Convert the entity to bytes

    Returns ccc.Bytes

    The bytes representation of the entity

  • Check if the entity is equal to another entity


    Returns boolean

    True if the entities are equal, false otherwise

  • Calculate the hash of the entity

    Returns `0x${string}`

    The hash of the entity