Class representing a Bitcoin signer that extends SignerBtc
Creates an instance of Signer.
The client instance.
The provider instance.
Gets the Bitcoin account address.
A promise that resolves to the Bitcoin account address.
Gets the Bitcoin public key.
A promise that resolves to the Bitcoin public key.
Connects to the provider by requesting accounts.
A promise that resolves when the connection is established.
Disconnects to the signer.
A promise that resolves when the signer is disconnected.
Register a listener to be called when this signer is replaced.
A function for unregister
Checks if the signer is connected.
A promise that resolves to true if connected, false otherwise.
Signs a raw message with the Bitcoin account.
The message to sign.
A promise that resolves to the signed message.
Class representing a Bitcoin signer that extends SignerBtc